Monday, October 26, 2009

Crunch Time

A new poll today from The Beacon showed that Mayor Wood and Lori Henry both had 26.2% of the vote in Roswell, while David Tolleson trailed with only a meek 15.6% of the vote. The Beacon has done it again! Their last two polls have shown a tie of some sort to the tenth of a percentage point. What is the likelihood of that? About 1 in 1,000,000,000, or something like that (too lazy to do the math). So is The Beacon telling the whole truth with these polls? Common sense tells us that any election polls of the past have never showed much accuracy, and this is no different. The underdog in this election, Lori Henry, has somehow shown resilience and is beating Councilman Tolleson by more than 10 percentage points? No way. Whatever the polls say, it's clear now that Mayor Wood, Lori Henry, and David Tolleson all need to fight to the finish because this election is likely to be decided in the next week. Back in the law office, things are getting hectic. After the calls made on Sunday to many different constituents, over 100 yard signs have been requested. That's more than double all the yard signs requested in the past few months of the campaign! This shows that it's crunch time in the campaign: it's time to win this thing.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

"Scaring the Competition Away on Canton Street"

It's crunch time. Mayor Wood's campaign is off to the races, but it seems like Henry and Tolleson are yet to clear the opening gates. Our campaign is soaring to the sky while the competition has been left behind in the dust. Well, this is how I see it anyway (God knows what our good 'ole buddy from the Beacon thinks). We interns have even created a scarecrow for the Canton Street Scarecrow Competition "to scare away the competition on Canton Street," as Mayor Wood put it. With the election less than four weeks away, our campaign is now in overdrive. Yard signs are going out in a frenzy, campaign t-shirts and bandanas (yes, I said bandanas) are being distributed, and advertising is in an uproar. With all this happening, there is a debate coming up this weekend; a debate that is very important to Mayor Wood's political capital. It is the East Roswell Forum and it is a debate where candidates get to ask each other questions. East Roswell is place that seems to favor David Tolleson a bit more than Mayor Wood, but we are hoping that might change after they see who the real Mayor Wood is in this debate. This is true politics and with one month remaining, this is when I get to learn the true meaning of what it takes to be a part of a political campaign; a winning one that is.