Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Week to Remember

What a week. This was the most engaging week of my entire internship experience thus far. It all started on Tuesday when we first introduced the two new interns, Mike and Brandon, to our political arsenal. They will be working WITH me (not for me, as Mayor Wood wanted to point out) in the coming months of the campaign. After both of their interviews, we immediately were off to the GOP Victory Dinner at the Westin in Buckhead. There, we met many of the most highly influential politicians of our entire state including Representative Tom Price, Secretary of State Karen Handel, and many others. If that wasn't enough, the following day we all attended a Town Hall Meeting at Roswell High School where Tom Price came to speak on the issue of healthcare. People were overly passionate and were not afraid to cut other people off while they were speaking. Most of the time when people were requested to come up and ask a question of Tom Price, they would not ask one! Instead, they would ramble on about this or that usually in opposition of Representative Price. This would cause immediate disgust among the towns people and every would just all of a sudden begin to yell at each other. It was a crazy, but highly educational experience no doubt. The next day, there was a cookout at Mayor Wood's Law Office for all of the volunteers in the campaign and there was a really great turnout. It is clear that Mayor Wood's campaign is gaining momentum. Yard signs are going up, phone calls are being made, and all around you get the sense that people are truly getting excited about Mayor Wood's chances in this upcoming election. To top all of this off, Mayor Wood came to speak to our FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) chapter this morning at Alpharetta High School on the importance of leadership and how it has helped him progress in his political career. There was a great turnout for this meeting as well and all of the members of our chapter truly enjoyed Mayor Wood's presence at Alpharetta High School. What I learned: As Tom Price told me, "whenever you get the opportunity to speak in front of a group of people, it is extremely important that you seize it as it is not an opportunity that will always be available." All in all, this was truly a week to remember.